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Your Love Play is My World

In secrecy supreme I see You.  
You live in my eyes, in my sleep,
In my dreams, in my sweet wakefulness.
In the stupendous mirth of life,
In the abysmal lap of death,
You I behold.  
Your Love-Play is my world.

- Sri Chinmoy (1)

I have Loved

I have loved Humanity. Humanity says, "No longer are you a stranger to me."  
I have loved Infinity. Infinity says, "No longer are you caught by space."  
I have loved Eternity. Eternity says, "No longer will you be caught by time."  
I have loved Immortality. Immortality says, "No longer will death be able to bind you."  
At long last I have loved God. God says,
"My child, from now on, you have bound Me in your divine embrace.
You have bound Immortality, Infinity, Eternity and Humanity."

- Sri Chinmoy (2)

Ever and Never

Will You love me, Lord,
If I love ignorance more?
"I shall love you,
To you open My Spirit's Door."

Will You love me, Lord,
If I marry the fires of hell?
"I shall love you;
Your life's venom-tree My Eye shall fell."

Will You love me, Lord,
If I live with wildest death?
"I shall love you;
In you I sowed My deathless Breath."

Will You love me, Lord,
If I come to You alone?
"Never! Bring quick
With you the world, else I shall moan."

- Sri Chinmoy (3)

(1+3) From My Flute by Sri Chinmoy

(2) From Songs of my Soul by Sri Chinmoy

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