AS Macro Economics
I wrote an Economics Revision Guide for my students. I wanted to write a comprehensive revision guide that would also be easy to use.I have started to put it online but have only done a few chapters without diagrams so far. It is available to be bought for £14 (includes AS and A2)
Economics - The Dismal Science
AS Macro Economics Revision Guide
· AD
· AS
· Economic Growth
· Inflation
· Supply side policies
· Unemployment
· Fiscal Policy
· Monetary Policy
· Exchange Rates
- Balance of Payments
- Advice on the Evaluation component of the exam
- Model Essay on Economic Growth
1. Sustainable Economic Growth
2. Low unemployment
3. Control of inflation
4. Satisfactory Balance of Payments
5. Supporting a stable Exchange Rate
6. Low govt borrowing
Nominal GDP = Measure of national income, output and expenditure
This is the monetary value of all goods and services produced in the economy
Real GDP = This is National income measured in constant prices.
Real GDP = Nominal GDP *100/ price index
Real GDP per Capita = This is the Real GDP / population
AD = C+I+G+(X-M) : AD is the Total Demand for goods and services produced
Within the economy over a period of time.
C = Consumer expenditure on goods and services.
I = Gross Capital Investment
G = Government Spending
X = Exports
M = Imports
An increase in AD (shift to the right) could be caused by a variety of factors:
1. Increased Consumption: due to
i) An increase in consumers wealth
ii) Lower Interest Rate which make borrowing cheaper
iii) Higher wages
iv) Lower Taxes
v) Increased consumer confidence about the future
Consumer Expenditure accounts for about 66% of AD and therefore is a very important component of AD
2. Increased Investment: due to
i) Lower interest rates, this makes borrowing for investment cheaper
ii) Increased confidence in the economic outlook
iii) Improved technology
iv) Increased economic growth
3. Increased Government spending
4. Increased exports
i) Increased growth in other countries,
ii) Lower value of Sterling, this makes exports cheaper
5. Decreased M
i) UK more competitive
ii) Lower value of Sterling