I do not know why I am still here on earth.
Am I not suffering an excruciating pang
From the loss of my mother?
O my mother, Yogamaya!
O my physical mother, where are you?
I know not how I can return to you
Or how you can return to me.
I know Lord Shiva has taken you away
Into the world of the unknown.
I was your dearest, I was your fondest child.
If you cannot come and appear before me,
For me to see you with my physical eyes,
Then do open my inner eye
And make me see your ecstasy's song and dance
Which you do in the inner world.
Written by Sri Chinmoy age 12 after the passing of his mother Yogamaya
This poem encapsulates the devastion of losing our earthly mother and also the immortal nature of our souls which ultimately triumph over death.
Lord Shiva is part of the Hindu “Holy Trinity”.