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Paramahansa Yogananda


My writing on Yognanada


Paramahansa Yogananda

Yogananda was a great inspiration in my spiritual life. His "Autobiography of A Yogi" inspired me to take up a spiritual life. Yogananda was one of the first Indian Guru's to come to the West and offer Eastern Spirituality to the West.

Yogananda taught the tradition of Kriya Yoga . Kriya Yoga is an ancient art of meditation. It was reintroduced in India by Lahiri Mahasaya in the 19th Century. Lahiri Mahasaya passed the tradition onto many disciples, including Sri Yukteswar, who was the Guru of Paramahansa Yogananda.

I wrote a biography of Paramahansa Yogananda it is available at Write Spirit.

There are also selection from Autobiography of a Yogi which is a fascinating account of Yogananda's spiritual experiences

Yogananda was also a great Seer Poet. A while back I wrote to the Self Realisation Fellowship for permission to publish some of his poems. We now have some poems at Poetseers of Yogananda


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