Photos of Waterperry Garden
Some photos from Waterperry Gardens, just outside Oxford, where I visited earlier this summer. It was a grey day, but the wonder of modern technology helped get some decent photos.
The ‘Quiet’ Garden.
There was a sign asking people to be quiet in this garden, so I sat in a corner and meditated after a fashion. It was spitting with rain, and I didn’t get much beyond seeing the shrub in the corner and thinking how it could do with its top half trimming. Not the deepest meditation, but still nice idea to have a quiet garden.
The funny thing is that my five minutes of quiet was interrupted – by a family coming in and talking very loudly about how this was a quiet garden and you couldn’t use your mobile phone.
Photos of wildlife in the garden
Some of the wildlife in my garden.
Bees are my favourite. Here the lavender is rich pickings for the bees. (more…)
Trinity College Gardens May
I was postering for some upcoming meditation classes in Oxford. Visiting Trinity College on the High Street I poked my head around the garden and there was a wonderful wildflower meadow – carefully managed to give a wonderful naturalistic style of planting.
When it is good in Oxford in May, it is very good. This felt like a scene from the Elysian fields.
Buttercups and daisies, with dark velvet tulips in the background. It was around 11am, so the light wasn’t ideal – a bit strong.
Magnolia Blossom
I waited until 5pm to get this photo. The sun sets low enough to just start to hit the Magnolia blossom.
“What a strange thing!
to be alive
beneath cherry blossoms.”
– Kobayashi Issa,
OK, these are photos of Magnolia blossom not Apple blossom. But, I don’t think the the spirit of Haiku is to be too pedantic. (more…)