Iceland in the middle of winter
I made my first visit to the Arctic Circle (give or take a few 100km) and visited Iceland. If you’re going to visit Iceland, you might as well do it in the middle of December when the sun rises at 11am and sets a few hours later.
Throughout my visit I was frequently told how lucky I was with the weather
“it may well be -10 degrees – but at least you can see the sky and some light.”
“We’ve just had a month of wind, rain and darkness” – these were frequent refrains.
I should add on Saturday we went to an outdoor hot water spring. It sounded crazy to go in water outside when it’s so cold, but the water was very warm. I’ve never done that before on a Saturday night.
Ironically, I left during a snow-storm in England, which left the area around London, paralysed by an inch of snow. I’m sure the Icelanders would have coped better with a bit of snow. (more…)
Mid Autumn Oxford Botanic Gardens
This is Magdalen Bridge over the River Cherwell. It looks like the ducks are going to go for a punt!
Magdalen Tower. The pink Nerines offer a dash of un-autumnal colour. (more…)
Garden September 2017
I have written an article about this path and the tree below. See: "Making friends with an old adversary" at Write Spirit The Hazel Tree. Late summer colour. Asters in…
Peace Run in Oxford
Today the Peace Run visited Oxford. We visited the Oxford Union and two local schools. It was a rewarding day.
Magdalen Tower.
“Lasting peace must begin within the depths of the individual, and from there spread in ever-widening circles as a dynamic force for world change.”
– Sri Chinmoy
A local dog walker gets to meet the run. (more…)
Spring in the garden
Spring is here, and the star of the show in the back garden is this Cherry Tree coming into full blossom.
Close up. (more…)
Different artistic perspectives of photos
This is a photo I took on the road to Burnsall. The photo has an artistic quality.
These are some artistic interpretations of the same photo. Good art hints at the underlying quality and soul of the image.
Burnsall Road. Style of Camille. (more…)
Views through the arches
Bodleian Library. Sunlight through the arch.
Radcliffe Camera and All Soul’s from Queens College (more…)