Daily Poem

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This is a poem by the nineteenth century mystic Ramprasad Sen

The Diamond Essence of Awareness

Ma Tara, you are truly the exalted one,
the essence of awareness.
But are you aware of the foolish poet
who sings this song?
You are indeed the radiant truth,
the sun that dissolves like morning mist
the illusory suffering of conscious beings.
But what about my persistent misery?


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Selected Flower Flames


These Flower Flames are from a selection of 207 Poems that Sri Chinmoy made from his series 10,000 Flower Flames.

Today I am Wise

Yesterday I was clever.
That is why
I wanted to change the world.

Today I am wise.
That is why
I am changing myself.


One Thing To Learn

Every day there is only
One thing to learn:
How to be honestly happy.


A Diplomatic Death

Since each thought
Is an atomic power,
You can give each thought
A diplomatic death.

I Am Not Needed

I am not needed
To say the right thing.
I am only required
To be the right thing.


Miracles Worth Seeing

Only two miracles are worth seeing:
The miracle of loving
The miracle of forgiving.


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Panorama Cafe

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Since spending a week in Jamaica, New York, I have spent quite a lot of time in the The Panorama of my silence-heart cafe.  Situated just 2 blocks away from…

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Gardening Blog

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We have started a new blog about gardening.

When I was studying PPE at Oxford University, I was very keen on gardening and even thought about taking it up as a career (when I got bored reading John Stuart Mill, I would try learning Latin names of plants. My room and corridor was full of cuttings and seedlings. After finishing my degree I got a job as a gardener, at my college Lady Margaret Hall. I worked there for a year before switching to teaching economics


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