Things I Have Learnt from Meditation with Sri Chinmoy
A video about some things I have learnt from meditation with Sri Chinmoy.
Things I Have Learnt from Meditation with Sri Chinmoy Read More »
A video about some things I have learnt from meditation with Sri Chinmoy.
Things I Have Learnt from Meditation with Sri Chinmoy Read More »
Spent some time in New York, interviewing the runners in the Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence Race.
This is a collection of those highlights.
3100 Mile Race 2024 Read More »
Peace Run
Statue Sri Chinmoy
Malta Statue
General Store, Amazon.malta must not be very big
Malta Rainbow
Malta Rainbow
Two young guys
When I was in my second year at University an older, quite eccentric post-graduate set me a task of writing an essay about Timothy Leary (the principal proponent of LSD as a guide to spiritual enlightenment). My friend thought this was hilarious. For some reason, I was a little drawn to his counterculture ideas and rather bohemian lifestyle and so I duly found myself going to the Inner Bookshop, Oxford on Magdalen Road. (quite close to where I now live)
In a pre-Amazon world, it’s hard to imagine that this kind of bookshop used to exist. Full of esoterica, spirituality, yoga, counterculture, magic – a non-conformist, vegetarian yoga paradise. It was deeply infused with incense and an other-worldly vibration and I was fascinated. At various times I went through just about every section in the bookshop, before its sad closure around 2012, a victim to online convenience and a real loss. It was at the Inner Bookshop, that I even once went to a spirit channeller who told me who I was in a past life (sadly I can’t remember) Though I do remember asking the spirit of Karl Marx a question (I must have flirted with Marxism for a time). But, the channel guide seemed to have difficulty finding Karl Marx in the spirit world, which I thought was quite funny. Maybe as a staunch atheist, Marx was sticking to his principles….
Anyway, I digress. Ironically, I found I had absolutely no interest in Leary and his theories of LSD. But, I did gravitate to the modern Hindu yogis, – Yogananda, Vivekananda, Ramakrishna, Aurobindo, Sri Chinmoy to name a few. I was particularly taken by Paul Brunton’s book “A Search in Secret India”. This was the book that really awakened my own spiritual search, an Englishman who travelled to India seeking enlightenment. He found frauds, magical tricks, and genuine spiritual souls, but the book’s climax at Arunachala and his meeting with Ramana Maharshi left a profound mark. His words touched a chord – the hidden promise of delight and nirvana seemed to be a worthy goal for life.
This all happened at a time when a few other things were happening in my outer life. Old certainties falling away and a sense of looking for something new. The truth is that despite my great initial enthusiasm, enlightenment was a lot more difficult than Brunton suggested (something he later admitted himself in his posthumous notebooks) It’s not so much “Nirvana Express” but, the long-hard slog of countless years, if not incarnations. “Nirvana for the patient.”
Spirituality is not like coasting
But exactly like climbing —
Climbing ten thousand Himalayas.Sri Chinmoy
To cut a long story short, I became badly ill, and had to leave university and retake my last year. But in my year off, when I had got over a very bad patch of physical and mental health, I decided that when I returned to Oxford, I would become a disciple of Sri Chinmoy. That was March 1999 and next March it will be 25 years that I will have been on Sri Chinmoy’s Path.
Nirvana Express by Mick Brown states it is
“The captivating story of the West’s love affair with Indian spirituality – From the orientalism of the British empire to modern counterculture.”
I knew this was a book I had to buy, it is a subject close to my heart. The first section was fascinating, it weaved the story of the first pioneers of bringing Indian yoga to the West. It was fascinating how the author weaved in different spiritual figures, showing a close level of connection between many of the main characters. The most interesting thing I learnt was about the life Charles Henry Bennett – the first Englishman to be ordained a Buddhist monk. He was something of an inspiration for Paul Brunton.
The book also filled in gaps about certain figures I had never been inspired to read.
Above all else, the most inspiring part of the early chapters is undoubtedly the arrival of Swami Vivekananda and his triumphant arrival at the World Parliament of Religions. My Guru, Sri Chinmoy has frequently praised Swami Vivekananda, offering a few books, songs and 39 concerts in his honour. Although I cannot vouch for its authenticity, I believe Sri Chinmoy said in private that without Vivekananda’s coming to America, his Mission in the West would not have been possible.
In the second section of the book, there is a lot attributed to the LSD culture and Timothy Leary. I’ve always felt this to be an anathema to genuine Indian spirituality. But, the chapter did help me understand two things.
I also found difficult the chapter on Rajneesh. I never paid any attention to Rajneesh because a “Guru” who preaches sexual promiscuity and has 98 Rolls Royces is to me the opposite of what Indian spirituality is about.
I should add I never heard Sri Chinmoy criticise another spiritual teacher. he generally didn’t pass any comment on living spiritual teachers. There were one or two exceptions – such as Anandamaya Ma and his good friend Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan – the head of the Sufi order in the West. (A notable omission from the book). Another interesting possibility was Shri Purohit Swami – close to W.B. Yeats. But, overall it is quite extensive in mentioning the main personalities involved. It is the nature of the world, that those who create the most stir get the most coverage. A yogi and disciple meditating in silence is not the stuff of gripping books.
In the book, Sri Chinmoy is given two pages, mostly through the eyes of his two most famous musician disciples Carlos Santana and John McLaughlin. I felt the section was fine. Though one day I feel I ought to try and write a ten-volume book on Sri Chinmoy’s activities in the West.
Overall, I think the book has a basic sympathy and appreciation of Indian spirituality. It is factual and well-researched, and there is a light touch of humour, useful for some of the more ‘eccentric happenings’ let us say. There is no glossing over the failings and limitations of the people involved, but nor does it seek to denigrate unfairly. It is even-handed. You do see a lot of the Indian Gurus through the eyes of famous people, which of course has its limitations ( never judge a Guru through the opinions of other people), but it does make for an interesting book.
If I had one disagreement, the book ends on a rather pessimistic note, with the chapter on Rajneesh and the whole circus surrounding those shenanigans. (Though it was perhaps at least useful to help understand, why there was such a strong “Anti-Cult” movement in America in the 1980s. )
From my own experience of Indian spirituality in the West it has been a very positive and life-changing experience, I can’t imagine life without the possibility of the spiritual quest. There is no Nirvana Express, but to be on the path is enough. Three times a year I go to New York, US to meditate, pray and sing the devotional songs of an Indian Guru and it feels quite normal and natural.
In 2003, I remember Sri Chinmoy lifting 20 distinguished university professors at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford (which ironically was my own college) I was really blown away by how nicely the professors spoke about Sri Chinmoy – an Indian Guru with no formal qualifications, yet they felt something in him. Later in the day, Sri Chinmoy remarked it was a unique coming together of the mind and heart. You could add a coming together of east and west.
I think the arrival of Indian spirituality in the West is a very significant and cultural moment, which at the very least has broadened Western perspectives and provided a welcome antidote to materialism. It is perhaps ironic, that these days, India has adopted much of the Western business dynamism and is one of the fastest-growing economies.
It is the nature of the world, that when there is a huge cultural revolution, it is never smooth and we tend to focus on the crashing of the waves not noticing the underlying current. Even if there is a sense of fading from the heights of Vivekananda’s arrival or the 60s revolution, I feel, that the Indian spirituality of the great teachers, has put down strong roots. Less showy, more mature. Stay tuned!
The Nirvana Express – Book Review and Personal Thoughts Read More »
This September and October I was in NY for the 3100 Mile Race. This is a video I put together from the runners.
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Inspired by the Centurion Decathlon, I read a book “The Comfort Crisis“.
Now as a vegetarian type of person, who thinks America would be a better place without any guns, I didn’t particularly warm to the fact half the book is about hunting for Cariboo in the wildest Alaska. But, putting aside that squeamishness, I did like the book. Perhaps more than anything I think the topic is very interesting. It also helps that I have been inspired by events such as the London 24-hour race and the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race in New York.
It did actually inspire me to make a change in my life. For the past five years, I have enjoyed the comfort of getting grocery shopping delivered from online orders. It’s amazing and you don’t have to leave your front door or carry anything heavy. But, I have decided that rather than relying on online delivery, I will start walking/running slowly to the supermarket, (which is actually only a paltry 0.25 miles away) but not only that – I will carry the shopping back home in a rucksack. I was particularly inspired by the idea that ‘Rucking’ – carrying heavy items in a rucksack is a great way to improve overall fitness. I was so inspired by my last shopping visit, I took a detour up a small hill and managed to make a 2 mile walk with backpack. Usually I don’t walk anywhere, nearly always cycling, but I want better all-round fitness and greater walking capacity.
Now, when I go shopping, I can’t help but think of my good friend Mahiruha who works as a checkout person in Chicago, US. Not only does Mahiruha pack bags, but he frequently recites poetry to his customers. He has so many good tales to tell, it is amazing to hear how people can be moved by such a simple act. Who would have thought you could go into a supermarket in Chicago and listen to a poem by Sri Chinmoy or others whilst buying your shopping? Who says America is in decline if there is this kind of inspiration still happening? (check out Mahiruha’s latest blog, as an example)
Alas, at my local supermarket, they have removed all checkouts, it is only robotic self-service. I know my elderly neighbour is deeply upset at this development. I feel slightly guilty as an economist as we always talk about productivity, but I think this is often at the expense of what matters to life.
The joy of human interaction I have felt recently, going around Oxford putting up posters for a forthcoming meditation course. So many nice simple interactions with shop owners. I always go to this fish and shop shop. It is run by two brothers from the Middle East, they are Sufis, and always have nice comments. One of them always says I look like the person (Sri Chinmoy) in the poster. Needless to say, it makes my day, I don’t care if it is flattery.
Going back to the comfort crisis, I increasingly enjoy rebelling against efforts to make humans lazy and weak. When I go to an airport, I’ve started taking rucksack rather than those roller suitcases. I walk and take steps rather than use a travellator/elevator. I even walked to terminal five, rather than short-train, A rebel without a cause.
Sri Chinmoy would often talk about changing our attitude to life.
Change your attitude!
Lo, look what stands before you:
Plenitude!– Sri Chinmoy
It’s amazing how I now view many experiences as an opportunity to strengthen physical fitness, rather than my previous attitude that it is hard work to be avoided by technology.
I can now do 30 push-ups in a day (not all at once obviously) but for a stick insect who once couldn’t do even one, this is a kind of progress. I do have a bit of a bad back this evening, let’s hope it is going to get stronger.
The Comfort Crisis and Old Fashioned Shopping Read More »
Croatia for this year’s Christmas Trip.
I didn’t take many photos. But, I did three two mile races. 17 minutes, 18 minutes and 13:10. My legs are not used to running, but they got better towards the end.