Garden March 2019
It is late March but the garden is growing quick due to relatively warm spring.
Snake’s Head Fritillary – they like damp soil – may need watering! (more…)
It is late March but the garden is growing quick due to relatively warm spring.
Snake’s Head Fritillary – they like damp soil – may need watering! (more…)
Before becoming president, Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer. Often he used humour to get the attention of a judge whom he needed a favour. On one particular occasion, Lincoln was…
No Deal Brexit – No Problem! Let’s dig our way out of this Brexit hole!
Who needs foreign imports when you can survive on home grown British turnips?
So in the spirit of make do and mend, I have been digging up my back garden and will be planting crops which will see me through to at least 2030. (more…)