Lotus flower in bloom

lotus bloom

I have had this lotus plant in my pond for over a year. This is the first lotus bloom – but it is well worth the wait. It is a near perfect flower, with great dignity.

The pond only gets an hour or two of sun in the height of summer because of the shade from trees. Lotus plants really need full sun, so I was pleased to get at least one. It only opens from around 11.30 to 1pm when the sun hits the pond.

lotus flowerLotus flower

Lotus from above. The lotus is spiritually significant. The birth of Buddha is tied with the symbolism of the lotus flower. It is said the mother’s of both Buddha and Mahavira dreamt of a white lotus before giving birth. (Striking Similarities)

The writings of Sri Chinmoy are also infused with references to the beauty and purity of the lotus.

How I wish my life
Could be a lotus-heart
Of beauty and joy.

Frogs in the pond

Flower border

Verbena Bonarensis

A rare and beautiful deep blue – Delphinium

Rubeckia coming into flower.

Phlox – a great cottage garden flower but quite thirsty so has been hardwork in this dry heat.

A view down the garden.


Netting of calabrese- but some butterflies still get in.

Peas finishing.

I bought a marrow by mistake – thinking it was a courgette. They grow big, but are not so tasty!

Lettuce and leaks.

Don’t know what this red flower is called.

Another red flower.

Echinacea Purpurea

Primary colours red, yellow, blue.

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