Ore tora ke kotai

Ore tora ke kotai is a very haunting melody. I believe that Sri Ramakrishna used to sing this song when he wanted those disciples who were meant for him to come.

This is an excellent performance by Agnikana’s group, from Czech Sri Chinmoy Centres. They capture the haunting, soulful nature of the performance.

Sri Ramakrishna had many great disciples such as Swami Vivekananda, Swami Brahmananda and many more. An excellent book for spiritual seekers is “God Lived With Them” and “They Lived With God.” – which tells a short life story about some of Ramakrishna’s direct disciples. Whenever I read books about Sri Ramakrishna and his disciples, I feel such devotion.

There was a time when Sri Ramakrishna was impatient for his destined disciples to come and he would sing this song to Mother Kali.

I have heard (and I can’t remember where) that there was a supposed to be a third great liberated soul (like Vivekananda and Brahmananda) but this soul never made it – such is the ignorance of the world – if a liberated soul can’t make it to the spiritual life – it just shows the difficulties for others! But, when we hear music like this – it lifts us far from the mundane world and transports us somewhere else – at least temporarily.



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